Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ewww, finals week

I know I haven't actually blogged in a while. Cute quotes and two sentence posts don't count.
I guess I'm just not as good at rambling as I was when I first started blogging. ..Or I've just run out of ramble material. Either way, I've been pretty absent.

Its FINALS week. Only two more days left. I'm so drained from late night cramming and taking tests that are wayyy longer than my attention span. I'm exhausted.
Plus, I have a cold. It occured to me (while I was taking my spanish final. ha.) that I always get sick around finals week first semester. I know I was sick for my sophomore, junior, and now, senior year. I'm not sure about freshman year. I can't remember if I was or not, but it's likely. Especially because it's turned into a bit of a tradition.
An awkward one, but a tradition nonetheless. Sniffing and trying to quietly blow your nose while people are silently taking their tests is such an uncomfortable thing. Too bad I can't avoid it.

Tomorrow I have my AP Biology and Art finals.
I'm trying to study for Bio, which means that I basically have to learn a semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours. It's hard. Most of the test focuses on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. My brain doesn't retain that kind of information. Chemical formulas, ATP, NADH, H+, and Aceytl CoA? Nope. I can do population ecology and enzymatic reactions because it's logical. Memorizing a bunch of steps and atoms that I don't understand? It's gonna be a challenge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"I think you could fall in love with anyone if you saw the parts of them that no one else gets to see. Like if you followed them around invisibly for a day and you saw them crying in their bed at night or singing to themselves as they make a sandwich or even just walking along the street and even if they were really weird and had no friends at school, I think after seeing them at their most vulnerable you wouldn’t be able to help falling in love with them. ”

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i'm supposed to be studying..

and I will.

But I want to watch The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, The Time Traveler's Wife, or The Titanic sooo badly. And I'm not going to lie, I did just check my DVD shelf to see if any of those movies was under an hour but they weren't.

I'm going on a fieldtrip tomorrow - this Bioneers Conference thing, so I have a lot work to do today. I planned on having the weekend to finish all my lab and test corrections for AP Biology, but my teacher said that I had to take the test tomorrow, no exceptions. So, yay to a night of studying and getting to school at 7:10 to take a test. Then, off to the Bioneers thing where I will be untill 8:00 pm. Great.

In spite of all I have to do tonight, I am so tempted to just watch The Notebook right now. So tempted.

Monday, October 10, 2011

the weather is getting to me..

I basically spent the whole entire day in my bed watching romantic movies, reading Glamour (both in magazine and internet form), and listening to Taylor Swift songs.

I don't know what it is about this cold weather that makes we want to mope and wallow so badly, but it does.
It also doesn't help that theres this boy I've got my eyes on at school, but I almost positive nothing is going to happen. I won't bore you guys with the details because the whole things pretty lame. And trying to condense everything into words would just make me feel even lamer. So I won't.

I'm still here in my bed, dousing myself in some seriously needed Taylor Swift therapy. Currently on repeat: Last Kiss.

Monday, October 3, 2011

monday morning, rain is falling

Finally; after months and months of warm California weather, its finally cold.

And, its officially fall - my favorite season. Time to bring out the jackets, boots, scarves, and fall nail polish. Love love love.
Now, its obvious that I like the grey, cold, rainy weather, but for the sake of rambling and ranting, here are a few pros and cons of this weather. Ready?
  • It means that life is progressing, going from one season to the next. A.k.a I’m getting closer and closer to graduating by the minute.
  • Fall fashion. Again, love love love.
  • Watching movies and TV is so much more fun. Granted, I always love watching Tv, but something about being warm and cozy make it a 100 times better.
  • School isn’t an oven anymore
  • Seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Oh god, the White Peppermint Mocha. Best thing ever.
  • Getting up in the morning is exponentially more difficult. Its darker in the morning now and my bed is sooooo warm and comfortable. Ugh.
  • School is no longer a new thing, it’s very repetitive, infuriating, time consuming, horrible, etc. etc. etc.
  • The weather makes me incredibly nostalgic and helpless. ( I warn you now- prepare yourselves for lots of melodramatic/hormonal/pedantic posts from me in the next few months)
  • This time, along with the months of spring (march-april) I find myself with a particularly large amount of homework, also known and what I like to call one of the “molasses” periods of school, where it seems endless and December feels like years away, and June feels like lifetimes.
Hey, notice how the Cons are longer than the Pros? Yeah, I'm exceptionally better at complaining than I am at anything else. Whats new?

Today's random make me REALLY happy moment: A guy in my English class told me I was "perfect the way I am". So sweet <3

Sunday, September 25, 2011

been awhile..

Oh dear. Its September 25st and I've only posted once this month. I've seriously been slacking.

I'm just here in my bedroom. Doing/pretending/trying/not-really-at-all doing  my homework. And listening to stuff on Pandora. A bunch of boring stuff.

Yeah. Anywhoooo..

Here's the dealio. (I'm aware that that might sound super obnoxious, but I can't/don't want to rephrase it, so just bear with me)(Now this isn't really relevant because I've deleted my dealio. I started this post like a week ago ranting about annoying people and I never had time to finish it. I was trying to complain without being too annoyingly whiny and that didn't really work so I saved it so I could revise it later. But then after a week I didn't really feel like revising because the situation had pasted, and the words weren't really flowing. But now I like the "Heres the dealio" thing and I don't want to delete it. So yeah. Its staying. And there is no dealio.)

Thats it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

schools back!

Ah, the school year is back and so is the procrastination.
I have 5 assignments I should be working on, and yet, I am here. Blogging. About not doing my homework. This is all too familiar.
I just can't do it. Like, I need to wait until 11:00 so that the pressure of finishing and sleeping are there to keep me in line and to keep me focused. I started my homework at 6:45ish, and I've completed all 2 problems. I just keep getting distracted and I can't seem to just sit here and work on my homework. Why am I always so ADD?

Well, I should at least TRY to get another problem done. I hate school. Ehh.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

flashmob video

It would've looked so much cooler if they had just shown the birdseyeview footage of the dance. Oh well. Here it is:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

lazy saturday

One Tree Hill mini marathon + a pint of coffee ice cream = happiness.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

cute hospital boys

So I Facebook stalked one of the patients I roomed today.
Is that bad? Like too creepy?
Because I mean, I remembered his name. And he was just so gorgeous that I just couldn't not look him up. If you had seen him, you'd understand. He was a total god. But is that a good reason for crossing the line? And is it even crossing a line? Its relatively normal to Facebook stalk someone you know, but is it normal to stalk the guy that you roomed in the hospital? I don't know.
Probably not. But you know, I could have been creepier. Like friend requested him or something. But he doesn't know who I am.
And on the off chance that he does remember me, why would he accept it? I mean, I was wearing giant boxy scrubs with my hair up in a pony tail and I'm wearing my ugly glasses (contacts have been irritating my eye), so how do I look cute? Seriously. How am I supposed to look even relatively attractive when I look like a blue block with a really small head? Yeesh. 
Okay, this is definitely going too far. Dedicating an entire post to the guy I "met" for like 5 minutes, I'm pathetic. Or just hormonal. Is guy craziness caused by hormones? I think it is, right? (I'm such a smart intern, haha)
But seriously, so many cute boys at the hospital. And a few doctors. Maybe its because I'm finally being exposed to guys outside of my high school. And guys at my high school are soooo not cute. Thank god I only have year left. And considering that the hospital is five minutes away from my high school, I am sure that the world is filled with many many more cute people. Maybe their names won't be Eric Cornbread (not his actual name btw), but if they are cute, I'm sure they will do.

(This is such a weird post. I started off with the cute hospital boy and how I'm a creeper and somehow I end up with a "missed opportunity, but that is okay" kind of message. What the fuck. I'm a freak. I don't even know. Whatever.)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

flash mob

I was in a FLASHMOB today!!! So much fun! I actually got most of the moves, only messed up once! Whoo! Yay for improvements.

AND I just crossed of the first thing off my bucket list! Yayayayayayayayay.

I'll post of video of the flashmob as soon as I get it :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

copy machines, folders, and labels

Those three items in the title have been my life for the past 3 days.
So much for a great, exciting, and educational hospital experience.
The department I'm working in, which for now is general medicine, decided that they needed to update and reorganize all of the information sheets and booklets in the rooms. ALL OF THEM.
So my job is to make 100 copies of all of the handouts. Doesn't seem that bad right? Well, there are 42 handouts. Making 100 copies of each takes 5 minutes. 42 handouts times 5 minutes equals 3.5 hours of my life spent standing in front of that stupid copy machine.
After making all the copies, I have to start counting and separating 20 of the 100 handouts and put it in each folder - which I also made - for all the rooms in my department. 210 folders with their corresponding color and sticker labels.
It could be worse I guess. I do have help from another intern, but that doesn't make up for the fact that while everyone else gets to practice taking vitals and rooming patients, we are crammed into a little storage room covered in paper cuts and drowning in all that paper thats in the room. We need sooooo much more room for what we are doing. Its taking us like 10 times  longer to finish because we have papers piled on papers and we can't organize them into neat little piles because there is simply no room to do that. We just have to dig through all of the clutter to find that one stack of papers we need. And when we find it, we'll realize that in the process of trying to find the papers, we lost the folders that the papers need to go in. We'll have a mini mental breakdown, force a set of deep breaths to insure that we don't go crazy, remind our selves that we only have 1-8 more hours to do, and start digging.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

summer job

Tomorrow is the last day of my job orientation and on Friday it starts! Its a paid summer internship at Kaiser Permanente in which I will be a student medical assistant.
I'm getting ready to say goodbye to all my normal summer clothes and start wearing giant boxy scrubs everyday. Yay. I have to order a few more though, because I'm not planning to wash them during the week and shouldn't be wearing them more than once without washing because of the bacteria/viruses from the hospital.
But they are so biggg. Like the XXS is the size of a regular medium T-shirt. It makes my head look so small in proportion because my body is drowning in all that extra fabric.

Its so hot today, Its finally feeling like summer! :)
(I'm trying to forget that I'll have to wear closed toe shoes and pants all summer long.. :[)

Friday, June 10, 2011


I just got my license! Yay! And now that summer has started, I'll have the freedom to actually do stuff! No more waiting around for my parents to drive me, because I can do it MYSELF

Whooo! <3

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

one more day

..And it'll be summer. I've already gotten through all my tough finals, so that leaves just English and ROP Medical Assisting. All I have to do for English is to take a vocabulary test and read the introduction essay from my final project to the class. For ROP, were watching a movie and having a potluck.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

so close!


But. Its raining. And its cold. In June. Whats up with the California weather??

But still. Summer is summer. I cannot wait! So so so close! <3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

best friends and traditions

My favorite best-friend tradition: Not seeing school plays. This meaning spending two hours on the school football field doing who knows what.

It all started two years ago - freshman year of high school:
Planned on seeing a school play → arrived late - no late seating → stayed at school waiting for intermission → found other friend that was volunteering to watch the kids while the parents watched the play → they had extra limes from making limeade → we took two → went to fake grass foot ball field to play catch → threw lime → didn't catch lime → it was dark so we couldn't find the limes → created a new game : "find the lime" → started having fun → ran around field in dark → sang Taylor Swift loudly and off-key → decided to stay on field instead of watching play → laid around field → got later and darker → bleachers started creaking → got scared → scariness added excitement → excitement = fun → had lots of fun → decided to do that again every year.

 Lastnight was the third year of not seeing plays. A few additions made - mostly things to keep us warm and ipod + portable speakers , food, and flashlights.

AND, Dun dun dun... we conquered the scary bleachers! We touched them. Almost. Well, the fence. But it counts,  it was only two feet away. And it was for safety reasons, like what if we had jumped the fence and some creepy guy hiding under the beachers came after us? It would be alot harder to run away if we had to jump over the fence again. And it was also the fact that I threw some hot chocolate at my friend when I thought I heard a voice behind me.  Me screaming + arms flailing = hot chocolate spilling. But it was lukewarm by the end of the night. So its okay. Its not like I burned her, she just got a hot chocolate facial. I bet it was very moisturizing.

XOXO ( I always hear "xoxo, gossip girl" in my head when I type that...)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

i hate titles

Yesterday night my mom and I dropped off my dad at the airport. He'll be in Vietnam for three months. Such a long time.
I love and hate being alone at home (only until my mom gets home from work) at the same time. I love having the freedom to do whatever I want. I love having the whole house to myself for several hours. I love being able to walk around the house in my underwear. BUT, When it gets a little later or I hear something, I get all paranoid, grab my dogs, lock my bedroom door, and just sit in here and wait for my mom to come home.

itty bitty randoms things:
- I have really bad allergies. *sneeze*
- I've can't find my tweezers, my chapstick, and my peanut-shaped eraser. The desk fairy is soo after my things.
- I love playing solitaire before going to bed. Its fun in a boring-put-you-to-sleep kinda way.
- I'm craving coffee ice cream. I want some so baddd.
- I need to get my hair trimmed. Or maybe just thinned. Because I really do like like my hair long. But its too thick for my liking - well it doesn't look thick, it just feels like it. And I can feel it weighing down my head.
- I feel like that last bullet would be such an awkward end to this post, so I am just stalling. And hopefully that'll make it less awkward.
- Was it successful?

Monday, April 18, 2011


I'm such a slacker when it comes to school these days. Slacking on homework, reading and studying. I know I should be doing all of this stuff, all my grades (with the exception of math-still dying in this class) are teetering between an A- and a B+. I just don't have it in me right now. I don't feel like trying and putting in effort.
I just can't seem to care.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Oh my gosh, I've found the perfect junior prom dress. BUT, they don't have it in my size. 

We [My mom and I] talked to this nice register lady and she printed out some stores that carry the dress and we're calling them tomorrow. Ahhhhh, I hope they have it! Heres a picture of it. 

Its so sparkly!

And I know I've kinda stopped posting, I just have nothing to say and nothing to ramble about. I've developed a severe case of blogger's block.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Because I have run out of ideas and still don't have anything worth blogging about, I've decided this might be a nice filler blog. I was tagged by noone (how sad. haha.), but stole this from Fiona. I tag Katelyn to do this.

01. Food: Pasta.
02. Color: Teal/taupe/peachycoralypink
03. Animal: I like llamas and platypuses just because they're funny looking and awkward. And my dog.
04. Sports Team: I don't know anything about sports.
05. Dessert: Cheesecake!
06. Artist/Singer/Band: Taylor Swift.
07. Pair of Shoes: I lovelovelove flipflops, but my sister's dog ate all of mine. So currently, my blue sandals.
08. Outfit: Jeans and a shirt?
09. Skinny Jeans: I own a few.
10. Brand: I don't know..?
11. Perfume: Don't wear it. 
12. Accessory: Necklaces.
13. City: I don't know. I guess Paris, I know everyone says that but...Actually I don't have any excuse for this one. Too bad.
14. Hobby: Eating.
15. Beauty Product: Mascara. No doubt.
16. Snack: Chips and salsa/guacamole.
17. Holiday: Christmas :)
18. Movie: The Notebook.
19. Song: I cannot pick one favorite song. I just can't.
20. Guilty Pleasure: Wizards of Waverly Place. Don't judge me.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

take home math quiz - done

Finally! I've been sitting here for hours trying to figure out these two problems and I got them! There were a few stupid multiplication/addition errors that nearly screwed me over. Agh. But I'm done. And I feel super accomplished. Yay.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm going on a field trip tomorrow for my AP Environmental Science class. Super excited. We're going to be collecting data and water samples and such, but its going to rain so we'll be spending most of the day outside, wet. I have my raincoat and an extra pair of shoes ready in my backpack. Yay. And I'm bringing soup. So that I'll be warm during lunch. Yay.
I like rain. And being cold. And having to find ways to stay comfortable and dry. Yay.

Completely different note.
I'm reading Jodi Picoult's The Pact, and its soooo thrilling and interesting and cute and heartbreaking and good so far!
This some online summary:
From Jodi Picoult, one of the most powerful writers in contemporary fiction, comes a riveting, timely, heartbreaking, and terrifying novel of families in anguish -- and friendships ripped apart by inconceivable violence. Until the phone calls came at 3:00 am, on a November morning, the Golds and their neighbors, the Hartes, had been inseparable. It was no surprise to anyone when their teenage children, Emily and Chris, began showing signs that their relationship was moving beyond that of lifelong friends. But now seventeen-year-old Emily has been shot to death by her beloved Chris is part of an apparent suicide pact -- leaving two families stranded in the dark and dense predawn, desperate for answers about an unthinkable act and the children they never really knew.

Doesn't it sound so good? I can't wait to finish it. Actually, I'm going to go read some now. XOXO

Saturday, March 19, 2011

a day

Goodness. Its been days since my last post.
Since I have nothing to ramble about, I'll give you guys a quick recap of my yesterday.
7:30- Woke up super late. No time to properly put on make up or do my hair.  
8:00- School : 7 hours of sitting and pretending to pay attention. Fun.
3:ish - Lamp shopping with two of my friends, Tinna and Hannah. It was a failed attempt. Target lacks in the lamp department now that they aren't advertising dorm supplies and what not.
5:ish - IHOP. The food was bad. Should've just stuck to pancakes at the International House of Pancakes instead of ordering lunch/dinner food
8:00 -West Side Story. Best friend was cast as one of the Sharks. Sat there for two hours and found her to lie about how much we enjoyed it.
10:00 - Home. Check Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot etc. Play solitaire on Ipod before going to bed.
00:00 (?) - Sleep.

Monday, March 7, 2011

early mornings

My dad is going on a plane to LA today, hes just visiting friends and such. We all had to wake up early today, I thought my parents were going to drop me off at school, but they decided they should leave earlier just in case of traffic or other possible problems.
SO here I am. With twenty more minutes to kill before I can embark on my cold walk to school. Its not too long, about ten minutes or so, but its just cold.
I have my heater on right now, I don't need it, but I figure if I'm extra warm now, when I leave my house I'll be feeling warm for the beginning of the walk at least.
I'll be alone after school all this week and the next. It hasn't been like that for awhile. I;m sure it won't be too different, jut me sitting in front of my computer doing..anything really.
I can't wait to get my license. I had my second driving lesson on Saturday and I think it went pretty well.
I have part 2 of my math test today. I think I did pretty well on part 1, so we'll see if this one is do-able.
I had a take home test to do suring the weekend and I want to compare answers with my friends, so I think I'll leave now. Ten minutes earlier than I was planning, but who cares.
I've got nothing to do anyway.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

- Titles are so unnecessary for these kind of posts..
- I'm getting good at driving. I have a lesson on Saturday and will schedule a driving test appointment soon. I'm excited! 
-  I don't want to do my homework. Probably going to start at 9:00.
- I've become so lazy. I just sit on the computer for hours not doing anything. I have no determination for things anymore. I feel so deflated..
- I've had so many Thai teas this week. I've got four empty bottles on my desk. That stuff is just soo good.
- I have an eye appointment on Friday. My vision is getting all blurry. I'm blind without my contacts or glasses and my eyes get progressively worse every year. I'm scared I'll end up blind someday..
- I really want some chips and salsa right now..
- And I'm tired. I think I'll start my homework now and take a nap or watch TV.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have played so many games today, its kinda sad. But its so much fun, mostly because of the competitiveness of I am now a level 11 professional in the 6 player tetris race thing.
I am going to go play another game. Making my way towards level 12!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


- The lists are back! I will just start listing random things and hope that the outcome will be at least, an interesting post.
- I've starting using capitalization outside of the blogging world. I used to hate capitals. I just wouldn't use them. Notes, homework, hand written english assignments - I just leave them out. I'm not really sure why, maybe I just thought they were ugly and stopped using them 'till it became a habit. But I now use them, even when typing messages to friends. And I like them.
- I've decided that I'm going clean and reorganize my room tomorrow. I've got a whole week to kill, and nothing to do. I may rearrange my book shelf by author instead of title, we'll see if I feel like it tomorrow.
- I have sooooo much extra credit to do for math. Its a good thing. Just in case I fail a test or two. And I have no doubt that I will. Extra padding for my grade.
- Woah. So I started this post at 9:44...and its is now 10:36. I got bored because I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I opened a new tab, went on facebook and read other people's blogs for inspiration.
- Any inspiration? NO.
- But my head is aching because I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head. My hair stays in almost the exact same position ..always. But I decided I wanted my hair in a bun and put it up in one, but it was on the upper midsection of my head so it weighed it down. So I put it up on the top of my head - which would change the direction the roots of my hair would point and my scalp is just not used to that so it kind of aches now. Is that weird? Does anyone else's head feel like that?
- Painted my nails with that rosy-gold color. This might be my new go-to color.
- That is it. XOXO

Saturday, February 19, 2011

dreaming old dreams

Drops of Jupiter on repeat, looking through old pictures/messages and reminiscing… yeah that kind of night.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I've watched alot of TV this week. Procrastinating and just...not doing my homework and saving it for a free period.
So, because I'm completely out of things to say, I'd like to comment on the shows I've watched this week.

Glee - After watching the recent episode with all the Justin Bieber songs in it , my hatred for him is slowly dying. Plus, Sam is mad cute and just rocked the songs. 

Pretty Little Liars - So dramatic, so suspenseful. I love it!

Gossip Girl - Omg! Dan and Blair! So so soooooo cute! Ahhh! <3 <3 <3

One Tree Hill - The usual, but still really really good.

Genuine Ken - David went home last week. And Derek this week. Chris is the only hope now! If he doesn't win, I'll implode.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Homework. Study. Clean. Play with my dog. Organize my backpack. Read. Shower. Search the web for things to add to my bucket list.

I really need to get my priorities straightened out.

crazy weather

Mr. Weatherman just cannot make up his mind today. Sun, sprinkles, pouring, hail - All in the course of an hour. Crazy stuff going on here in Marnim.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

out of things to say

What do I blog about guys? Really. Nothing is going on in my life. Nothing exciting or worth mentioning anyway. So, what do I blog about?
There is only so much rambling I can do Sooner or later I will run out of things to say. And of course, I have.
I'm bored. My life is boring. I'm boring. Blahhh.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

people are annoying

So, I'm trying to do my homework. Only these kids are in my room. My parents are having a little potluck party and the kids are in my room. Get Smart is currently on, I tried to keep them entertained. Not exactly working but better than it would be without it right? Yep. Anyway, They're loud, and annoying and just.. won't leave me alone.
Okay, guess I'll keep trying to do my homework while there not talking to me..


Sunday, February 6, 2011


I'm sitting here, trying to do my math homework, and I just don't know how to do it. I was so on top of it and now I have absolutely no idea with I'm doing. I have a test soon. Oh no! :(

new years!

I was at my church's new years day celebration today. I sat in a room with all my church buddies and ate asian food. There was this red velvet cake...Mmmmm. That was so soo soooo good.
We got bored pretty quickly after eating so we set off and explored the school (its a mission that is also a part of a school..). It was relatively exciting, but not because we were inside a school, but mostly because of the thrill of being there when we weren't supposed to be. The lion dances started a little after we came out of the school so I ran and hid behind a fence claiming that the banging hurt my ear, but if you read my last post you'll know that the actually reason was me being scared of the lion things even though I am fully aware that they are not real and that there are people hiding underneath the costume.Why they freak me out so much? I may never know.

Right now, I am currently just sitting here listening to the TV in my dad's room playing asian music, and my dog whining for attention. I should probably go play with him, hes been alone all day.

Toodaloo :) XOXO

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new years

Chinese new year is only a few hours away. I'm Vietnamese but Chinese New Year seems to be the popular term. Anways, happy new year to all. May this year bring more joy then the last.

Ahhh! I hear my dad in the other room watching a lion dance on TV.
Confession: Those things still scare me. I am aware that its just people under a colorful lion suit and its obvious when you can see their feet from under the cloth but it freaks me out. We celebrate the new year at my church in a gym and every year when the lion dance begins, I hide behind the food table and pretend I'm helping my mom and the other church ladies in charge of food. The lions walk/dance around and stick its head in people's faces so if I'm behind they table I know they can't get me. I know, I know, its irrational but those things freak me out. I can still hear the drumming and banging. Ahhhhhh!


BTW- Happy Groundhog day! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


BLURB. Its a strange word.
..Yeah, I've got nothing else to comment on about that. Just sounds funny.

Anyway. I'm procrastinating (since when am I not?) and I checked my grades online and guess what??? A- on math test! Yes! I am so on it this semester. If only a little of that happened last semester. Oh well. I just wanted to share that with you all. It makes me super happy.

 That was kinda it. I'm having a clementine and am about to start my homework. Seeing my grades made me want to try harder, it was encouraging. SO, I'm going to do that now!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sad news. You know the missing teacher I talked about two or three posts ago? She was found dead by a creekbed. It's a suspected suicide.
Its strange. Last year she was so...on top of it. She was so blunt and lively that you never would have known. But I guess you never really know what people are going through from looking on the outside.
My heart goes out to her friends and family. I can't even imagine what it must feel like for her family.
Its such a shock. I mean, we all knew something was wrong when she never came back. But part of me wanted to keep believing that she had run off to some extraordinary far away place and that we'd only find her when she wanted us to. Hearing it on the news makes it so definite, leaving no room for hope or imagination.

So anyway, this is an awkward transition.
I feel stupid worrying about my grades when something so serious and extreme happened but I can't help it. Besides, I can't think about that anymore. Its makes me too sad.
My parents have been asking me about my grades and why a report card hasn't showed up. My answer was that one was coming in a few weeks. They're talking about going to the school and asking them so I've got to act quick. Sometime this week I'll have to go to school and print out my grades - find someway to hide the D or make it disappear. I'll probably use our copy machine and paste a B or something on top of it.
Its childish, I know. But they can't find out. I'd be dead. They are the stereotypical asian parents who wont take anything lower than a B.

School tomorrow will be weird. I wonder what the teachers will say. I'm not looking forward to it. XOXO

Friday, January 28, 2011


Goodness, its been a couple days.
Its Friday so I got back from do stuff with friends a few hours ago. We went to another local shopping area and got mexican food. It was good.
Afterwards my friend had to pick up her sister and drive her to her friends house so we tagged along because sitting in the car is actually a lot of fun. I'm not being sarcastic, it actually is. We sing along to the radio and laugh and play hangmen on the windows if its foggy. Sounds lame because.. you know, songs and hangmen? Yeah, but once you get to a certain point of boredness and tiredness you find everything funny and amusing.

So, rewind. Tuesday was a normal day, school and all that jazz. On Wednesday, my school held a real DUI trial in or performance theater. I guess the person's sentence is lowered because of her willing to let students watch her trial. Anway, Trials are longgggg. It was four hours. It was interesting at first because it had just started and you didn't know what exactly to expect but after the first hour and a half, I found my self struggling to stay awake. Some people actually did. It wasn't all that drama and evidence and action stuff you see on Tv. It was just question after question after question. Like, the police officer was on the stand and the court person guy asked him questions. This is how it went.
Court guy: So I understand that you pulled over Ms.Clearwater (not her actual name)?
Officer: Yes sir.
C: So what brought her to your attention.
O: Well, I noticed she was swerving in her lane.
C: Swerving? How much swerving was there?
O: She swerved in her own lane sir.
C: So, she did not enter any other lanes?
O: No sir.
C: Is there anything else that you noticed?
O: No sir.
C: What did you do when you pulled her over?
O: I asked for her license and her insurance information.
C: Then what?
O: Then I asked her if she had been drinking.
C: What did she say?
O: She said no, but then said something along the lines of, "well...maybe."
C: Did you notice anything about her?
O: I noticed that her eyes were watery and blood shot.
C: Anything else?
O: No sir.
C: So then what did you do?
It may not seem too bad, but the questions went on and on and on for four hours. Thats a long time.

So on Thursday, I had a field trip for my AP Environmental Science class. We went to the science museum and it was actually really cool. I won't go into detail because I don't want to bore you, but it was really cool.

This was an easy week. Only 3 days of actual school. :)
Untill next time, XOXO.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

new layout

I think I like it.
And I loveee the fact that blogger added more font options. So, What do you think? Yay or Nay?

Friday, January 21, 2011


First post with scrambled letters...
So, Today is Friday. I got back from hanging out with my friends a couple hours ago. Not too exciting. We just went to the mall. Its getting really boring because we have absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go. If you've read my first ever post I talk about the lack of places here in Marnim. I'll link it here unless you want to read it. Anyways, our weekly Friday hangouts are getting pretty boring. For any of you who are wondering why we hangout if its not that fun, its because its been... a sort of tradition. Every Friday since the end of freshman year, we've gone out and eaten in places around the neighborhood, walked around, sat in drugstores staring at the nail polishes and mascara - a typical Friday for us. Well, as you can imagine, going to the same 5 or 6 places every Friday for two years can get a bit bland.
After everyone else went home, my friend and I sat in my room and watched Wipeout. I'd expain it but I don't know what I'd say other than people trying to make it across these "challenges" and failing and falling into the water below then. It may sound stupid, but its pretty darn funny.

On a heavier note, one of the teachers at my school has gone missing. Like actually missing. Its scary. No one knows where she went. Shes been gone for 3 days. She left her keys, cars, wallet....and just left. I can't imagine where she could have gone without her car. I mean, shes kinda crazy, but she wouldn't just jet off somewhere without telling her family or notifying the school would she? I don't know, but I'm worried. She was my english teacher last year, so I kind of know her. Well, even if she wasn't my teacher I'd still be pretty worried. I hope nothing bad happened. The school's making an announcement about it on Monday if shes not back. I'll keep you guys posted.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

a quickie

I'm taking a break from homework and of course, procrastinating. Its my thing. One of the things I excel at. Procrastinating.
SO. I've been driving alot. Like an hourish everyday. Today I drove to the CVS with my sister to get some dog toys. While there we saw that the Sally Hansen lipglosses were on sale. Almost as exciting as if the Nivea chapsticks going on sale. Almost. Speaking of which,  I want to try those awkward looking EOS chapsticks...or chapballs. You know, those circular things with a ball of lip balm in the middle? Those. But I can't. Is it weird that I'd feel like I'm cheating on my Nivea chapsticks? Probably.
So I took my math test today. Thoughts? I have no idea. I skipped two. But other than that I have no idea how I did. Usually after taking a test you kinda have an idea of what you got or how well you did, but after that test I was just drained and I just don't know. Hopefully I didn't do too badly.

I just finished my APES review questions. Took a break from taking a break.

Well, I finished my homework so I'm gonna brush my teeth and go to bed. Toodles.

( This was such a pointless post. Homework and chapstick? I really gotta do something to improve these...)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So I'm thinking for the next 720 rambley type blog posts, I'll just scramble the letters in the word "ramble" and have have that as my title from now on. That'll be hard to keep track of though. Well, we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, (I say anyways wayyy to much. But I can't just suddenly start of with something without a little "anyways", or "so", can I?) I was in a really bad mood today just because I wasn't fully awake and everyone was just being annoying. Not really. But when your not in the mood to act cheery and bubbly and everyone else is, then they seem annoying. But that all changed in third period.
SO. Guess what!!!?!??! I have an A in math! Whoohooo! I aced the quiz today so it brought my grade up from a B to an A. I'm totally on top of this stuff this semester. And guess how I figured out how many titles using the letters in the word "ramble" I can have? Yes, you guessed it. MATH. I feel so accomplished :)

In other news, I got my braces tightened yesterday. They put a bracket on that one weird tooth that is above the gumline and the rest of the other teeth and are now in the process of pulling it down. It hurts. Sooo much. But I'm glad its on the side of my mouth and my lips cover it so I don't look like a freak.

I painted my nails 10ish minutes ago. Its in taupe, which is this light purpley muddy color. Its a pretty ugly color, but ugly in a likeable way.

Well, its homework time.  I'm about to experience oodles and oodles of fun.  XOXO.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

cute people

Ahh, Its filler blog season.Until my life suddenly becomes exciting overnight, or I come up with new things to ramble about, there will indeed be alot of filler blogs. Be ready.
I now bring to you a list of cute male celebrities.

1. Lucas Till -- I tried finding a picture of him without the Hannah Montana thing behind him, but all the other one just weren't as cute as this. And beside, I'm sure you all have figured out I'm still a crazy preteen girl on the inside. Anyway. Look at him. He is just one of the hottest, cutest, prettiest people out there. Without a doubt, number one.

2. Austin Butler-- Look! Its Jones! He is from one of my favorite shows, Life Unexpected (which came to an end tonight - maybe a little ramble/review will be coming up). This guy is mad cute, I mean, come on.

3. Chase Crawford -- He's just beautiful. And I love gossip girl.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I attended the awkwardest party yesterday. Its was a friend's sixteenth birthday and she had a dance party at a night club. Sounds pretty normal right?
Well it is. Just not with all the socially awkward people invited. There was just a bunch of "I think I"m so cool because I'm dancing and sweating like crazy" people or the "I hate parties but I came because I like to sulk in corners" people, with just a few normals out there. The dance crowd consisted of a mere 7 people and we all know that its just too...awkward to really dance when there are only a few people on the dance floor. Plus, they were the crazy sweaty dancers - eww.
It was just a really awkward experience. The only thing that made it semi-fun was the match-making my friend and I did.We got the birthday girl and and a guy who totally likes her dancing together. They were so embarrassed and shy. It was adorable.
I've got another birthday party to go to today, but its just a dinner. Wow, January must be a popular month. Hm.. Its for a close friend of mine and the only people she invited was her close friends - which are my close friends, so I'm sure it'll be fun.
Its a three day weekend (which explains why I'm blogging at 1:00pm on a Monday) but I haven't started my homework. So much for that new years resolution. Better get started on that now..
Oh and I went on the freeway today! Exciting, I know. I'm still not used to driving, but I'm getting there!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

blogger's block.

Can't think of anything to write. Boo.
“ Letting go isn’t about winning or losing. It’s not about pride, it’s not about dwelling on the past. It’s not about loss or defeat. It’s learning, experiencing, and growing. Letting go is to be thankful of the moments that made you laugh, made you cry, made you grow. It’s about all that you have and all that you had. It’s the courage to accept change and the strength to keep moving. It’s growing up. ”

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Are titles really necessary?  Actually, I don't even have to have one if I don't want to, but I'd like to complain a bit. No, I like titles. They look nice. But, the problem is that whenever I do these ramdom rambly sort of posts i never know what to title them and having no titles just doesnt seem right. I need a list to pull ramdom titles from or something...
Anyway, I got a B on my first math quiz of the semester! Yay! For those of you who have no idea why I'm happy about some lame B, its because I have been failing like every single test/quiz since the school year started. Math is just not my thing. But I'm so happy I didn't fail. Yay! :)
In the past week or so I've been losing some of my very few followers. I'm a bit bummed about it, but whatever. This blog is for me. For me to ramble, and complain, and just.. have some sort of creative outlet. I love blogging. Its fun to just sit here and type whatever I'm feeling. Granted, I don't have very personal posts, but then again my life isn't very exciting. I'm sure I've said this many times before but my life consists of school, grades, and friends. Nothing fascinating. I'm hoping that'll change once I go to college and leave this boring town. But, I will be staying two extra years because I'm going to have to go to a JC now that my grades have slipped last semester. (Again- I hate math.) But it'll give me time to develop my math skills and save up money for real college.
I ordered some books online and I got them today. Being the nerd that I am, I'm super excited. I'm reading a "Chick Lit" novel called When in Rome by someone who I don't know because I'm too lazy to get up out of my chair. But if you want to know (which you won't) ask me in the comments. I got about 8 books or so and have added them to my book shelf. I'm considering rearranging them to go in alphabetical order by author or if I should just keep then in order by title...Hmm.
I'm going to start my homework now, not too much procrastinating tonight. XOXO.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

day two, three, four and five

day 02 — your favorite movie
day 03 — your favorite television program
day 04 — your favorite book
day 05 — your favorite quote

I'm combining these into one post because the answers are just too simple and short to make one post about each individual day. SO...
Day two: The Notebook
Day three : One Tree Hill
Day four: Flipped
Day five: “ Do you ever just get that feeling where you don’t want to talk to anybody? You don’t want to smile & you don’t want to fake being happy but at the same time you don’t know exactly what’s wrong either, there isn’t a way to explain it to someone who doesn’t already understand. If you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone, people have stopped being comforting, & being alone never was. At least when you’re alone no one constantly asks you what’s wrong & there isn’t anyone who won’t take 'I don’t know' for an answer. You feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon & that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait. ”

This was easy. XOXO.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

“ One morning you’ll wake up and you’ll think, ‘how did I get here?’ you’ll inhale a long drag of smoke through your lungs, and before you can exhale, pictures from your life pop into your head. Behind each picture lies a story. The first picture you see will make you smile. The image will remind you of a time when you were happy. Actually happy. the kind of happy that makes you jumble your words, the kind of happy that makes your insides twist, the kind of happy that makes you use the word ‘forever.’ the next image that pops up shows you your lowest low. the kind of low that told you to slit your wrists, the kind of low that makes you pull your hair and scream, the kind of low that never wants to know how long forever is. Then you’ll look around you and you won’t know whether to laugh or to cry. And you’ll think ‘I’ve loved and I’ve hated.’ and you’ll realize that you wouldn’t have to hate if you never knew love. ”

day one

Just one? Ahhh...
Ummm...Right now, I'm liking Catch Me, by Demi Lovato.  I know you guys will judge me because its by a Disney/Nickolodian person but its such a cute song <3 I haven't listened to it in months and have been playing it on repeat.

I don't really have one absolute favorite song..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 day challange

day 01 — your favorite song
day 02 — your favorite movie
day 03 — your favorite television program
day 04 — your favorite book
day 05 — your favorite quote
day 06 — whatever tickles your fancy
day 07 — a photo that makes you happy
day 08 — a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 09 — a photo you took
day 10 — a photo of you taken over ten years ago
day 11 — a photo of you taken recently
day 12 — whatever tickles your fancy
day 13 — a fictional book
day 14 — a non-fictional book
day 15 — a fanfic
day 16 — a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
day 17 — an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
day 18 — whatever tickles your fancy
day 19 — a talent of yours
day 20 — a hobby of yours
day 21 — a recipe
day 22 — a website
day 23 — a youtube video
day 24 — whatever tickles your fancy
day 25 — your day, in great detail
day 26 — your week, in great detail
day 27 — this month, in great detail
day 28 — this year, in great detail
day 29 — hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
day 30 — whatever tickles your fancy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

pointless ramble

I'm running out of things to say. Nothings new, nothing is interesting. Ugh, my life is so boring.
But let's see if I can come up with something..
- My hair is currently in two messy buns in a hat. When I wake up in the morning and let my hair out it'll be nice and wavy. 
- For the first time in like ever, I actually understand and know how to do something in my math class. And it feels great.
- I left my candle lit all night. I forgot about it. But in the morning the flame was still running and half the candle was burnt. Its one of the jar ones so I could see it through the glass. I'm glad I didn't light the house on fire.
- So, I've already broken one of my new year resolutions. I'm procrastinating. Big surprise, huh? But hey, I don't have much to do, so that kinda makes it acceptable. Kinda.
- I downloaded Itunes yesterday and I now have music on my ipod again. Yay.
- I'm currently reading Nicolas Spark's Message in a Bottle, and I just find it so boring. Maybe its because I only read like 5 pages at a time, but its just so dull that I can't possibly keep reading for any longer. I love all his books but this one..not so much. It must be one of his good ones because its been made into a movie and they wouldn't make a movie out it if it was bad. I'm not too far into it, so I'm hoping I'll get better. Nicolas Sparks has never disappointed me before, I hope it gets good soon!
- Well I guess I should go start on my homework now. But I'll probably get side tracked but getting off the computer is a good start.
- Looks like I had a bit more to say than I thought. Nothing of importance, but I think it might be mildly amusing. But then again, I'm the one writing it...

Monday, January 3, 2011

lazy day :)

I am currently just sitting in my room typing this blog. My vanilla cupcake is burning on my night stand and Colbie Caillat is playing.
I love days like this. Nothing to do, just doing...nothing. Theres something so great about not having any thing to do and being able to do whatever you want.  Its the last day of this. I go back to school tomorrow and I'm dreading it.

Last night I had "sad movie night" with my friends. We watched My Sisters's Keeper, A Walk to Remember, and Titanic. It was nice to have a little cry. We sat in the dark eating candy, chips, and popcorn and cried. A little goodbye to this winter break? Maybe. Ha.

I'm out of things to say. XOXO
-- Listening to: Tailor Made - Colbie Caillat

Saturday, January 1, 2011

first day of 2011

It's officially a new year!
I don't actually have anything to say, but I wanted to do a quick post to wish you all a happy new year! (LIE - I am excited to see the new tab "2011" on the right side of the page and had to post something in order for the new tab to appear..)