Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So I'm thinking for the next 720 rambley type blog posts, I'll just scramble the letters in the word "ramble" and have have that as my title from now on. That'll be hard to keep track of though. Well, we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, (I say anyways wayyy to much. But I can't just suddenly start of with something without a little "anyways", or "so", can I?) I was in a really bad mood today just because I wasn't fully awake and everyone was just being annoying. Not really. But when your not in the mood to act cheery and bubbly and everyone else is, then they seem annoying. But that all changed in third period.
SO. Guess what!!!?!??! I have an A in math! Whoohooo! I aced the quiz today so it brought my grade up from a B to an A. I'm totally on top of this stuff this semester. And guess how I figured out how many titles using the letters in the word "ramble" I can have? Yes, you guessed it. MATH. I feel so accomplished :)

In other news, I got my braces tightened yesterday. They put a bracket on that one weird tooth that is above the gumline and the rest of the other teeth and are now in the process of pulling it down. It hurts. Sooo much. But I'm glad its on the side of my mouth and my lips cover it so I don't look like a freak.

I painted my nails 10ish minutes ago. Its in taupe, which is this light purpley muddy color. Its a pretty ugly color, but ugly in a likeable way.

Well, its homework time.  I'm about to experience oodles and oodles of fun.  XOXO.

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