Friday, January 21, 2011


First post with scrambled letters...
So, Today is Friday. I got back from hanging out with my friends a couple hours ago. Not too exciting. We just went to the mall. Its getting really boring because we have absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go. If you've read my first ever post I talk about the lack of places here in Marnim. I'll link it here unless you want to read it. Anyways, our weekly Friday hangouts are getting pretty boring. For any of you who are wondering why we hangout if its not that fun, its because its been... a sort of tradition. Every Friday since the end of freshman year, we've gone out and eaten in places around the neighborhood, walked around, sat in drugstores staring at the nail polishes and mascara - a typical Friday for us. Well, as you can imagine, going to the same 5 or 6 places every Friday for two years can get a bit bland.
After everyone else went home, my friend and I sat in my room and watched Wipeout. I'd expain it but I don't know what I'd say other than people trying to make it across these "challenges" and failing and falling into the water below then. It may sound stupid, but its pretty darn funny.

On a heavier note, one of the teachers at my school has gone missing. Like actually missing. Its scary. No one knows where she went. Shes been gone for 3 days. She left her keys, cars, wallet....and just left. I can't imagine where she could have gone without her car. I mean, shes kinda crazy, but she wouldn't just jet off somewhere without telling her family or notifying the school would she? I don't know, but I'm worried. She was my english teacher last year, so I kind of know her. Well, even if she wasn't my teacher I'd still be pretty worried. I hope nothing bad happened. The school's making an announcement about it on Monday if shes not back. I'll keep you guys posted.


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