bucket list

1. Fall in love
2. Get married and have a family
3. Design and build our dream home ( or maybe just decorate the inside of the house really nicely)
5. Get a gnome for the lawn
4. Sky dive
5. Go to Tanzania
6. Travel to all 7 continents
7. Visit all of the wonders of the world
8. Ride in a hot air balloon
9. Participate in one of those "Save the Rainforest" campaigns or something similar. Maybe tie my self to a tree and stop whoever thats planning to chop down the tree from doing so
10. Knit a sweater
11. Send a message in a bottle into the ocean
12. Own a cute little bakery selling mini-cupcakes (or maybe have a mini-cupcake stand if I never own a bakery)
13. Build an igloo
14. Find my way out of a corn field maze
15. Become a vegetarian
16. Spend a night in a light house
17. Get a tattoo
18. Go to Verona and send a letter to Juliet
19. Go ice fishing
20. Go skinny dipping
21. Participate in a flash mob
22. Watch a meteor shower
23. Dance/run around in a fountain
24. Finish my novel
25. Cross everything on this list off
26. Find my life's passion