Friday, January 28, 2011


Goodness, its been a couple days.
Its Friday so I got back from do stuff with friends a few hours ago. We went to another local shopping area and got mexican food. It was good.
Afterwards my friend had to pick up her sister and drive her to her friends house so we tagged along because sitting in the car is actually a lot of fun. I'm not being sarcastic, it actually is. We sing along to the radio and laugh and play hangmen on the windows if its foggy. Sounds lame because.. you know, songs and hangmen? Yeah, but once you get to a certain point of boredness and tiredness you find everything funny and amusing.

So, rewind. Tuesday was a normal day, school and all that jazz. On Wednesday, my school held a real DUI trial in or performance theater. I guess the person's sentence is lowered because of her willing to let students watch her trial. Anway, Trials are longgggg. It was four hours. It was interesting at first because it had just started and you didn't know what exactly to expect but after the first hour and a half, I found my self struggling to stay awake. Some people actually did. It wasn't all that drama and evidence and action stuff you see on Tv. It was just question after question after question. Like, the police officer was on the stand and the court person guy asked him questions. This is how it went.
Court guy: So I understand that you pulled over Ms.Clearwater (not her actual name)?
Officer: Yes sir.
C: So what brought her to your attention.
O: Well, I noticed she was swerving in her lane.
C: Swerving? How much swerving was there?
O: She swerved in her own lane sir.
C: So, she did not enter any other lanes?
O: No sir.
C: Is there anything else that you noticed?
O: No sir.
C: What did you do when you pulled her over?
O: I asked for her license and her insurance information.
C: Then what?
O: Then I asked her if she had been drinking.
C: What did she say?
O: She said no, but then said something along the lines of, "well...maybe."
C: Did you notice anything about her?
O: I noticed that her eyes were watery and blood shot.
C: Anything else?
O: No sir.
C: So then what did you do?
It may not seem too bad, but the questions went on and on and on for four hours. Thats a long time.

So on Thursday, I had a field trip for my AP Environmental Science class. We went to the science museum and it was actually really cool. I won't go into detail because I don't want to bore you, but it was really cool.

This was an easy week. Only 3 days of actual school. :)
Untill next time, XOXO.

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