Wednesday, January 5, 2011

pointless ramble

I'm running out of things to say. Nothings new, nothing is interesting. Ugh, my life is so boring.
But let's see if I can come up with something..
- My hair is currently in two messy buns in a hat. When I wake up in the morning and let my hair out it'll be nice and wavy. 
- For the first time in like ever, I actually understand and know how to do something in my math class. And it feels great.
- I left my candle lit all night. I forgot about it. But in the morning the flame was still running and half the candle was burnt. Its one of the jar ones so I could see it through the glass. I'm glad I didn't light the house on fire.
- So, I've already broken one of my new year resolutions. I'm procrastinating. Big surprise, huh? But hey, I don't have much to do, so that kinda makes it acceptable. Kinda.
- I downloaded Itunes yesterday and I now have music on my ipod again. Yay.
- I'm currently reading Nicolas Spark's Message in a Bottle, and I just find it so boring. Maybe its because I only read like 5 pages at a time, but its just so dull that I can't possibly keep reading for any longer. I love all his books but this one..not so much. It must be one of his good ones because its been made into a movie and they wouldn't make a movie out it if it was bad. I'm not too far into it, so I'm hoping I'll get better. Nicolas Sparks has never disappointed me before, I hope it gets good soon!
- Well I guess I should go start on my homework now. But I'll probably get side tracked but getting off the computer is a good start.
- Looks like I had a bit more to say than I thought. Nothing of importance, but I think it might be mildly amusing. But then again, I'm the one writing it...

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