Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Because I have run out of ideas and still don't have anything worth blogging about, I've decided this might be a nice filler blog. I was tagged by noone (how sad. haha.), but stole this from Fiona. I tag Katelyn to do this.

01. Food: Pasta.
02. Color: Teal/taupe/peachycoralypink
03. Animal: I like llamas and platypuses just because they're funny looking and awkward. And my dog.
04. Sports Team: I don't know anything about sports.
05. Dessert: Cheesecake!
06. Artist/Singer/Band: Taylor Swift.
07. Pair of Shoes: I lovelovelove flipflops, but my sister's dog ate all of mine. So currently, my blue sandals.
08. Outfit: Jeans and a shirt?
09. Skinny Jeans: I own a few.
10. Brand: I don't know..?
11. Perfume: Don't wear it. 
12. Accessory: Necklaces.
13. City: I don't know. I guess Paris, I know everyone says that but...Actually I don't have any excuse for this one. Too bad.
14. Hobby: Eating.
15. Beauty Product: Mascara. No doubt.
16. Snack: Chips and salsa/guacamole.
17. Holiday: Christmas :)
18. Movie: The Notebook.
19. Song: I cannot pick one favorite song. I just can't.
20. Guilty Pleasure: Wizards of Waverly Place. Don't judge me.

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