Saturday, March 19, 2011

a day

Goodness. Its been days since my last post.
Since I have nothing to ramble about, I'll give you guys a quick recap of my yesterday.
7:30- Woke up super late. No time to properly put on make up or do my hair.  
8:00- School : 7 hours of sitting and pretending to pay attention. Fun.
3:ish - Lamp shopping with two of my friends, Tinna and Hannah. It was a failed attempt. Target lacks in the lamp department now that they aren't advertising dorm supplies and what not.
5:ish - IHOP. The food was bad. Should've just stuck to pancakes at the International House of Pancakes instead of ordering lunch/dinner food
8:00 -West Side Story. Best friend was cast as one of the Sharks. Sat there for two hours and found her to lie about how much we enjoyed it.
10:00 - Home. Check Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot etc. Play solitaire on Ipod before going to bed.
00:00 (?) - Sleep.

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