Thursday, May 19, 2011

best friends and traditions

My favorite best-friend tradition: Not seeing school plays. This meaning spending two hours on the school football field doing who knows what.

It all started two years ago - freshman year of high school:
Planned on seeing a school play → arrived late - no late seating → stayed at school waiting for intermission → found other friend that was volunteering to watch the kids while the parents watched the play → they had extra limes from making limeade → we took two → went to fake grass foot ball field to play catch → threw lime → didn't catch lime → it was dark so we couldn't find the limes → created a new game : "find the lime" → started having fun → ran around field in dark → sang Taylor Swift loudly and off-key → decided to stay on field instead of watching play → laid around field → got later and darker → bleachers started creaking → got scared → scariness added excitement → excitement = fun → had lots of fun → decided to do that again every year.

 Lastnight was the third year of not seeing plays. A few additions made - mostly things to keep us warm and ipod + portable speakers , food, and flashlights.

AND, Dun dun dun... we conquered the scary bleachers! We touched them. Almost. Well, the fence. But it counts,  it was only two feet away. And it was for safety reasons, like what if we had jumped the fence and some creepy guy hiding under the beachers came after us? It would be alot harder to run away if we had to jump over the fence again. And it was also the fact that I threw some hot chocolate at my friend when I thought I heard a voice behind me.  Me screaming + arms flailing = hot chocolate spilling. But it was lukewarm by the end of the night. So its okay. Its not like I burned her, she just got a hot chocolate facial. I bet it was very moisturizing.

XOXO ( I always hear "xoxo, gossip girl" in my head when I type that...)

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