Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ewww, finals week

I know I haven't actually blogged in a while. Cute quotes and two sentence posts don't count.
I guess I'm just not as good at rambling as I was when I first started blogging. ..Or I've just run out of ramble material. Either way, I've been pretty absent.

Its FINALS week. Only two more days left. I'm so drained from late night cramming and taking tests that are wayyy longer than my attention span. I'm exhausted.
Plus, I have a cold. It occured to me (while I was taking my spanish final. ha.) that I always get sick around finals week first semester. I know I was sick for my sophomore, junior, and now, senior year. I'm not sure about freshman year. I can't remember if I was or not, but it's likely. Especially because it's turned into a bit of a tradition.
An awkward one, but a tradition nonetheless. Sniffing and trying to quietly blow your nose while people are silently taking their tests is such an uncomfortable thing. Too bad I can't avoid it.

Tomorrow I have my AP Biology and Art finals.
I'm trying to study for Bio, which means that I basically have to learn a semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours. It's hard. Most of the test focuses on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. My brain doesn't retain that kind of information. Chemical formulas, ATP, NADH, H+, and Aceytl CoA? Nope. I can do population ecology and enzymatic reactions because it's logical. Memorizing a bunch of steps and atoms that I don't understand? It's gonna be a challenge.

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