Sunday, February 20, 2011


- The lists are back! I will just start listing random things and hope that the outcome will be at least, an interesting post.
- I've starting using capitalization outside of the blogging world. I used to hate capitals. I just wouldn't use them. Notes, homework, hand written english assignments - I just leave them out. I'm not really sure why, maybe I just thought they were ugly and stopped using them 'till it became a habit. But I now use them, even when typing messages to friends. And I like them.
- I've decided that I'm going clean and reorganize my room tomorrow. I've got a whole week to kill, and nothing to do. I may rearrange my book shelf by author instead of title, we'll see if I feel like it tomorrow.
- I have sooooo much extra credit to do for math. Its a good thing. Just in case I fail a test or two. And I have no doubt that I will. Extra padding for my grade.
- Woah. So I started this post at 9:44...and its is now 10:36. I got bored because I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I opened a new tab, went on facebook and read other people's blogs for inspiration.
- Any inspiration? NO.
- But my head is aching because I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head. My hair stays in almost the exact same position ..always. But I decided I wanted my hair in a bun and put it up in one, but it was on the upper midsection of my head so it weighed it down. So I put it up on the top of my head - which would change the direction the roots of my hair would point and my scalp is just not used to that so it kind of aches now. Is that weird? Does anyone else's head feel like that?
- Painted my nails with that rosy-gold color. This might be my new go-to color.
- That is it. XOXO

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