Tuesday, December 14, 2010

what do i call these random lists?

- Again, its finals week.
- Soooo ready for the week to be over. Can't wait for winter break.
- School gets out super early tomorrow. 12:31. YES! And might I point out, that extra minute. Odd stuff. 
- Just tried to curl my hair, got bored and gave up. It takes wayy to long..
- I really should be studying..And finishing up my review sheet, but hey, only 10 more problems left.
- My grades are shit this year. Well, other than math, there not too bad but compared to my usual there bad. I have basically all Bs. They are really close to an A-, though, so maybe it'll go up with finals? Doubtfull, I'm a horrible test taker.
- I think I"ll end up with a C in math... Definitely not what I would have liked but hey, It better than an F.
- Christmas is soo soon! I can't believe it.
- I guess with all this math grade stuff, I just lost track of time. I haven't done any Christmas shopping though. I gotta get on that.
- I want to repaint my nails, but I know if I do, I'll never start my history stuff. I can't use a pencil when my nails aren't dry.
- I have some random Avril Lavienge song stuck in my head. Weird. Its from like forever ago. I don't know the title but it goes something like, "And the memories so close to me just fade away, all this time you were pretending so much for my happy ending.." I think its "Happy Ending" or "Ending" ?
- I got a new calender. Its pretty and matches my wall. Haha. My walls are teal and a light cucumber green. The top half is teal and the bottom half is green. Not the calender, my wall. The calender has a light paisly flowerly design behind the date boxes.
- Yeah, I'm not sure why I decided it was necessary to decribe my calander to you, but I did do so.
- Okay, I guess I better get started on that study guide now.

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