Tuesday, December 28, 2010

“ I’m going to cut to the chase. Life is too short to hang around with bitchy, negative people. So don’t. In high school you want to surround yourself with people who “get you.” You know. People who get your sense of humor and think you’re funny. True friends are those who support your dreams and cheer you on. They provide a soft place for you to fall and are there to comfort you (and eat cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream with you when you’re blue.) Real friends don’t slag you off the moment your back is turned or routinely put you down or humiliate you in front of others. Real friends don’t leave you out. Instead, real friends have your back. In other worlds, they’re fiercely loyal and protective. My friend describes finding real friends as finding your “tribe” which I think is the perfect way to describe it. Your tribe is made up of people you click with. People you can trust. People who would see the world the way you see it. People who like the same things as you. So choose your friends at school who are from your tribe and high school will be way more enjoyable. ”

1 comment:

  1. I love it :) I definately have my 'tribe'.

    Fearless Girl
