Friday, December 31, 2010

a new year already?

Wow! Tomorrow is a start of a new year! Goodbye 2010 and hello 2011.
This year has flown by but I am happy to see it gone and start off fresh with a new year and hopefully a new attitude. . I am determined to make things better for my self this year.
Lets see...2010. Not too much stands out other than the usual, school and friends. I can definitly say that I am not sad to see this year go. It has been one of the most stressful for me. Alot of new things and alot of the same. My views of many things including the future changed. I started an internship at my local humane society hoping to pad my college apps and ended up realizing I'll probably end up at a junior college. This use to freak me out, the fact that its just not...where "normal" overachievers end up. But I've realized that I've got my whole life ahead of me. Whats two years compared to the 60, 70, or even 80 years I still have to live. I'm only 16.
I've also come to terms with all my past friendships and such and just...understood them a bit better, learned that the past is the past and that it should stay there.
All in all, 2010 = changes , good and bad. 
A few signicant things that happened in 2010:
- Blogging
- Driving
- Failing grade (possibly - does a D count?)
- Braces
- New room
- Etc..

- Work harder on school
- Walk my dog more often
- Try to make things easier for my parents (helping around the house, cooking, cleaning..)
- Stop procrastinating
- Stop being so hard on myself
- Speak out more

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