Wednesday, December 22, 2010

i want a boy

I am jealous. I want a guy. Even if its just a simple little crush, the feeling you get from them are great. Something to wake up excited about, someone who makes me want to look my best and put my makeup on for.
My two best friends have found guys recently. One has a boyfriend and the other is still in the "friend" stage but is slowly make her way up. The friend-stage friend called me freaking about her hangout session with the guy tomorrow. It made me really miss that nervous-giddy-excited kind of of feeling.
I think(hope) its because of the lack of guys around me. I mean, there ones that school but they're the same crowd of guys from middle school. My two friends found their guys elsewhere. The one with the boyfriend actually moved to another school and the other met the guy through a community theater play.
School is a no go for guys. So where else? I don't do anything other than that. Well, that and my internship at the animal shelter but considering I'm just an intern, I don't usually meet guys that are my age level. I have passed the intern phase and will soon become a student volunteer, but I doubt I'll be put with any guy then too. So thats it. Thats my life. School and volunteering. Sad, isn't it.
I know I shouldn't need a boy to make me feel happy or complete and I shouldn't just sit here pining and wanting one to come. And I don't just want one just for the sake of wanting one. I should be able to wait for the perfect guy.  I've got my whole life ahead of me.Why rush, right? Thats true, but easier said than done.  I want just to feel those perfect-melt-your-heart movie moments that you see everywhere; the ones people sing songs about, and the ones that people like Nicolas Sparks write about. I want to feel wanted and loved. I want someone to wrap there arms around me and hold me and just make me feel like a princess.
Someday, I'll have those perfect movie moments. I guess I just gotta wait. I can totally do that.. But aybe tomorrow, some totally hot amazing guy will show up at my door step. Haha, highly unlikely, but hey, a girl can dream.

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