Friday, December 10, 2010


- Its the end of dead week. Thank god. I have so many review sheets to do this weekend, its crazy.
- My contacts are drying on me...Hold on, I'm making my self yawn. Whenever I yawn, I get teary so it re-wettens my contacts. Just a little fun fact.
- My friends and I sang along to Jason Mraz in High Tech Burrito today and another table joined in. Made my day.
- I love it. I love to sing. There just something about it, losing your self in the music. It makes you much more of a happy person. I don't think I have gone one day without singing, I really dont..
- I'm craving macaroni and cheese.
- I'm super excited for winter break. Just gotta get through finals... :|
- I've had Taylor Swift's Sparks Fly stuck in my head ALL DAY. Still is there. 
- I don't know what else to list....Booooooo
- I'm getting a little bored with the 10 day challenge. Its probably because I don't have any good answers to them.. Oh well.
- I like rambling. I'm just out of things to ramble about....

--Listening to : Only Exception - Paramore

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