Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I've been a bit down lately, for a bunch of stupid reasons that I'm not even completely sure of. I don't know, I just feel kinda empty and...kinda lost. I keep thinking about math, which is really stupid because I'm letting some grade rule my life, but its not just that. I mean it is, but its more of the fact that I'm going to let my parents down. They'll be so disappointed. They don't know. As childish as it may be, I've hidden the last few progress reports. I thought I'd be able to raise up my grade in time for the semester grades. But I didn't. I've been thinking about my future, college, all that fun stuff. And I'm afraid that I'll never be able to make anything  of my self. I used to think I was smart, but now I've realized I just do the work. I don't actually know anything. I keep my grade up by doing things like homework or projects. But when it comes down to tests, or anything where you have to apply your knowledge, I don't even know where to start. I just feel...stupid. And I'm afraid that I am. Anyway, enough with all this "I'm such a failure" stuff. I have a habit of just pushing things away. I like to pretend I'm not sad, which works most of the time but at some point you have to do something to let out your frustrations and anger.  As cliche as it may seem, I turn to music and food. So, I thought I'd list the songs I listen to most when I'm sad. I thought about listing the kinds of food I eat, but I don't have a specific type of food, I just eat what ever looks good in the fridge.
These are all about relationships but, I mean, they do give you that sad wallowing in self pity kinda effect, so it works.

1. Breathe - Taylor Swift
2. Broken - Lifehouse
3. Break Even - The Script
(These all start with the letter B...strange...)
4. No Surprise- Daughtry

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