Thursday, November 11, 2010

televison and food

Oh, what an exciting life I live. I have gotten today and friday off of school and I am spending it home, alone, watching last weeks episode of Hellcats that I missed and will watch reruns of Greek after it. What a life right?
No, but I actually dont mind it. Sure, it's not the most exciting thing that I could be doing, but I live for lazy days like this where I can just sit home and watch TV all day. It really is great.
It's one of those days where you sit at home and recharge and re-energize from your busy week.
I'm the kind of person who has to be doing something while I watch TV or a movie. So what I do is eat, eat and eat. When your watching TV, your kind of in a mesmerized state of mind and you don't really think about eating, its just something you do, you know? Like if you leave a bag of chips in front of you, you going to unconsciously reach for another chip even if you don't want them anymore. Food and TV are a bad combination if you trying to lose weight or anything. I guess it'll benefit me because I'm underweight (I'm not anorexic or anything, I'm just naturally skinny with super speedy metabolism).
I'm not saying I would pass up going out with friends to sit at home to watch and eat, but Its definitely not the worst thing in the world.

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