Monday, November 22, 2010

i talk to people in my head

Oh, am I bored of this place. I would love it if everyone except my friends and family were shipped to....Ohio(Why OH? I have no idea. ) and traded with the people there.
I just want something new and fun and exciting.
Most of all, I want a boy.
I want someone who will hold me and kiss me, and just make me feel special.
There is noone in this town who I'd want to be with or would want to be with me.  I want a preppy, nerdy, goody-two shoes kinda guy. Cute, awkward and funny. Oooh, with a british accent that I can make fun of, not in a mean way, In a cute i-love-it kinda way. Haha, no.. He doesn't have to have an accent but that definitely would be an added bonus.
I was walking home the other day behind this really cute boy. After staring at his back for like 7 minutes, I started imagining us talking. I do that alot, pick people and have conversations with them in my head, I know, I'm weird. Anyway, this is how it went.
He turned into the street where I live. We keep walking, and he turns around once or twice, trying to figure out if I'm following him. I'm not. (haha.) He turns around again.
I say , "Don't, worry I'm not following you."
He says, "Oh, Umm, no, I just thought you were wa- okay, Yeah, I thought you were following me."
I say, "No, I don't normally follow people home."
He says, "Glad to hear it."
Now we continue walking and talking and bonding. We reach my house. We stand there.
I say, "Well, this is my stop. It was nice talking to you."
He says, "It was nice talking to you too. Hey, if your walking to school tomorrow, we could, you know, walk together."
I say, "Yeah, I'd really like that."
He says, "Me too."
We stare into each other's eyes. He leans in, I tip-toe, and we kiss.

If only, but when I turned, he continued walking. But, thats life. Sigh.

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