Sunday, November 7, 2010

failure is not an option

Oh my, what a stressful couple of weeks.
Number one reason for that : Algebra 5-6.
Im failing it. With a 50.62%. Its bad. Real bad. Every time I think of it, I shrink a little. Its make me want to curl up, hide under my covers and never get out...
Math has always been my worst subject. Even doing back to the days of elementary school, it has always been a challenge for me. This year, it the worst. My grade in that class is based on my performance on tests and quizzes. They make up 85% of the grade. The only reason I passed Geometry last year is because of my 100% in homework and lots of extra credit. But, that was when tests and quizzes were only worth 45% of the grade. So I'm kind of screwed. I'm getting tutored one day a week, but that hasn't seemed to help too much. I'm trying, I really am. I guess I'm not giving it a 100%, but I feel like its so impossible and trying and not getting it makes me feel even worse. I just want to give up, and drop the class. But I cant.
Its so stupid. Its like my whole entire future depends on that one class. I'm a pretty good student, I get all A's with the occasional B. College is definiety in the plan...Well, If i get in. What college will accept me with an F in my transcript? None. Not any good ones anyway.
Its horrible. Everytime I walk into that class I feel like a rock has been placed on my back. Its so heavy and discouraging.
I know, I'm being dramatic. This probably isn't very fun to read. But its all I've been thing of.
You know what? I'm going to do fine. I will. All this sulking and complaining won't do anything. I just need to work at it. Failure is not an option. I just need to give it 95%. 100 is just impossible, that would be pushing all my other classes and responsiblitys to the side and I need to keep track of them too.
But I can do it. I guess all the added pressure is getting to me. If I fail (which I won't ) its not the end. I can always go to community college and transfer to a better school. I could get into UC Davis. Why settle for UC Merced or some lame college if I could go there?
I can do it, But if I cant? Its not the end. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Right?

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