Tuesday, November 16, 2010

giving up

I just can't do it anymore. I'm giving up.
I can't do it. Another math test back, and another F. Its just F after F after F.  I know it might sound stupid to you, I mean its just a grade right? Yes, its just a grade, but just that fact that I'm failing it is discouraging beyond belief. I'm so used to everything coming easy, I'm a good student.  I get As with the occasional B. I thought that once I just took a little initiative that everything would be alright. But its not. I'm trying, I really am. I've gotten a tutor, gone through everyone of my tests/quizzes, I always do my homework.  But I just feel so stupid. Its like, why can't I understand this? Is it really that hard or am I just too dumb to get it? It just feels like nothing will work out no matter how hard I try. And I'm done.  I can't handle this feeling of failure anymore. I just can't. I can't do it anymore. I'm done.

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