Monday, November 15, 2010

perfect imperfections

I saw this tag on Youtube and decided I wanted to do a blog post on it. You name 3 imperfections(things you hate) and 3 perfections (things you like) about your self.

1. My shortness and smallness. I don't mind it that much. Its just when ever people point it out that it gets to me. And because I'm so small, people alway think I'm wayy younger than and am and treat me like a little kid. Its always like, "No, your not 16! You can't be! Your so small!"
No, actually I am sixteen. And yes, I'm small.  Is it really necessary to point out? Do you people really think I'm not aware of my size? YES. I KNOW. I'm small. Get over it.
2. My nose. Its so small and flat. My glasses always slide down because my nose can't hold it up (not that I wear my glasses very often, I'm a contacts girl, but you get the point).
3. My teeth . I have braces. They suck. They hurt. Enough said.

1. My hair. I love my hair. Its really soft and smooth and naturally straight. It doesn't get messy too often and if it does, all I have to do is brush it. It can't hold a curl though, I wish it did.
2. My body. Other than being small, I like how I look. I am skinny and can eat whatever I want with out gaining a pound.
3. My complexion. I have pretty clear skin.

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