Tuesday, November 23, 2010

oh how i love lists

- Today was the last day of school this week. Soo sooo happy.
- I have a TON of extra credit work for Algebra. Totally ready to get my grade up.
- I want soup.
- Its cold and rainy today. Not too fond of it.
- I have 3 followers. Thats pretty exciting. I'm going up in the blogging world. Thanks to the 3 who followed me, it means alot. :) Its nice to know that someone is actually reading my posts.
- Awwww, my dog looks sooo  cute! He is sleeping on my bed with his head rested on his toy bear. Precious!
- I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with this 5 day weekend. Homework, food and tv I assume?
- I have become obsessed with candles.
- I'm weird. I obsess over things too much.
- I say I'm weird too often. But its true.
- What else, What else....Hmmm.
- Nothing

Todaloo. XOXO.

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