Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'll admit it. I have a Twitter and I'm a little obsessed. There have been a few times where my friends had talked about the stupidity of Twitter. Whenever these happened, I found my self agreeing with them. Its really not that great. I still love it though. I know, whats so great about knowing what people are doing as they are doing it? Nothing. I can't explain it, but I find it highly entertaining. Its a little like Facebook, but just status updates.
Its a little ironic, I just shook myself off of my Facebook addiction and into my new Twitter addiction.
I'm wierd, I guess I just like things too much. Theres not too many things that I really really like. Everything is just "okay", "fine", or "nice". But when I really get into things, I become obsessed. A few examples include: chapstick, nailpolish, Facebook, One Tree Hill, Twitter, Youtube, and Blogger. Yeah, I like those things ALOT. That sounds awkward.
Ok, well I've got to scadaddle. I hope you enjoyed my little ramble. )Oooooh, That's another one. I love to ramble.
If you have a Twitter, follow me! http://twitter.com/#!/fyheart

-- Listening to : Mean - T.Swift

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