Monday, October 18, 2010

procrastination in action

Favorite ways to procrastinate.... My methods are endless but here are a couple:
- Facebook -- This one is by far the worst one, once you become addicted, you will be checking it constantly. Being addicted to Facebook will result in a loss of time, assuring that homework will never be done before 10:00 pm. That is the reason why I have developed a little rule for my self : No Facebook on the weekdays except Friday. This has saved me hours. It takes a lot of will power but is well worth it - do it if you can.
- Nail Polish -- I am obsessed with nail polish. Its so much fun, so many colors to choose from. It only takes about 5-10 minutes but that doesn't include drying time. And if your anything like me, you will smudge it or do something to mess it up and will try to fix it by adding another coat. By the time you're done polishing your nails, you realized that you have to wait for it to dry, and the drying time is increases significantly because of the number of layers. So, you decide to pull up a youtube video or a rerun of a show you want to watch and wait for it to dry. 
- TV -- I don't think this one needs an explanation.
- Eating -- I am a big fan of food, but then again, who isn't? You might think that this isn't very procrastinate-y because we all gotta eat, but this is usually paired with TV watching.
- Organizing / Cleaning -- Who in the world want to do this? I know, its crazy, but I will do anything if it means I can stall doing my homework. I actually would rather stare at a wall. Sad, but true. Now, I hate cleaning so I organize. I realize that doesn't make much sense, organized but messy, but I don't organize my room. I do little things like my alphabetizing my book shelf, putting my shirts and jewelry in the order of the colors in the rainbow. Little easy things like that are kinda fun and amusing in a strange way.
- Finding new blog layouts/backgrounds -- Similar to nailpolish...So many colors, so little time.
- Blogging -- I am currently procrastinating by blogging on my favorite ways to procrastinate. Need I say more?

-- Listening to: Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

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