Sunday, October 3, 2010

these are a few of my non-favorite things

Seeing as I am out of post ideas, I decided to tweak one of my past filler blogs. I thought about doing Part 2 of my favorite things, but that was created only a couple weeks ago, so I don't have too much to add to the list.
Instead this is a list of things I don't like.

- Bananas, milk, raisins, fish. Bleckk
- When the weather is just out of whack and you do not know what to expect.
- Homework
- Tests
- Not having done things when you had the chance
- High expectations
- Replaying conversations in your head and thinking of things you should have said
- Having to take off your comfortable pajamas to put on uncomfortable jeans 
- When it smells like rain, but it never actually rains
- Hot weather
- When you're joking, and someone takes you seriously
- You leave your favorite chapstick in another bag/purse 
- Chapped lips
- Cold feet - Literally and figuratively
- The transition from open toed shoes in the summer to closed toe shoes for the fall - thus making your feet feel like they are being strangled.
- Concentrated light
- Losing just one sock, and having to wear mismatched socks - even if you like mismatched socks, the fact that you can't makes you want to
- The fact that weekends are just wayyy too short
- Having to put in my contacts every single morning and taking them off every single night
- Being strangled by scarves
- School
- Bugs
- Annoying people

-- Listening to: You and I - Ingrid Michaelson

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