Monday, October 11, 2010

random thoughts after showering

- I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.
- For the first time in a long time, I didn’t sing any Taylor Swift in the shower. In fact, I barely sang at all. I’m blaming this on the fact that I have to go to school tomorrow.
- My three day weekend was pretty awesome. It was the perfect combination of  wasting time on the computer and doing things with friends. To be honest, it feels like this mini mini mini-vacation has been longer than three days, but I’m still dreading the return to school tomorrow.
- There’s something about fall and the fact that I wear a lot of layers for my pj’s (to stay really warm because I get really cold at night) that makes me combine the most mismatching items together. I’ve never had an alcoholic beverage in my life (other than a fake sip of wine at my first communion), but if anyone saw what I was wearing right now, they’d swear I was drunk when I picked it out. Luckily, I actually get dressed before going to school and no one participates in pajama day in high school.
- Did I mention that I don’t want to go to school tomorrow? Well, I don’t. Really.
- Lists are easy and fun to write. And every thought I have had for the past couple of days has been related to school.

-- Listening to : Catch Me - Demi Lovato

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