Saturday, October 30, 2010

don't be a halloweenie!

Halloween. I am dressing up as a ..................BUSH.
Yes, I am well aware, its a little weird! But my friend is also going to be a bush too, and as long as you've got a friend doing that completely insane thing, its okay...right? Ehh...maybe.
But hey, its Halloween! The one day of the year where you can dress up as anything you want and you won't get weird stares (you probably will, but its acceptable..) So lets make the best of it.
 Ok. So back to the bush. It took a few hours but was well worth it. Originally, we planned on just wrapping the Christmas garland we got from Michaels Craft Store around our bodies but once we did, it just looked like we wrapped a garland on our selves - which we did. But t didnt give the bush effect. So, with help from our other friend, we cut the garland into pieces and linked them all together to form chains and sewed it on to our large green t-shirts. We had made tree-shirts! Get it? Tree-shirts? Like t-shirts only a tree? Hahaha, I'm so funny....

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