Sunday, September 5, 2010


Oh no, You heard right. Braces.
Three weeks from now I will have a mouth full of metal. Or ceramic. Depending on which one I get. I much rather prefer the ceramic one, I mean, I know you can see it but less than metal braces. A little is better than none at all right? I'm not sure.
I was so hopeful last week. I knew I was going to get braces eventually, But I assumed that I'd be getting invisialign. So really, it didn't matter that I was getting them because you cant see it. But after they looked at the pictures, xrays and the mold they made of my teeth, they told me that I was not a "canidate" for invisalign becuase of the wierd tooth sticking out of my gums.
Anyways. I have to get braces. I'm in high school now. Why did my parents wait till' now to get me braces. Everyone else did in middle school. Boo. I guess it could be worse. Like going into college with braces. I'll get them off at the end of senior year so I wont have then in college. Thank god.
Until next time. XOXO

-- Listening to: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

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