Saturday, August 28, 2010

driving, driving, driving

Two days ago, I had my first driving lesson. It was soo scary, but so exciting at the same time.
The driving instructor came to my house and then, off we went. It was surprising actually, he only took about 5 minutes to tell me where the gas/brake pedal was, how to use the lights, wind shield wipers ect, and then we started driving.
I thought it would take alot longer. We started around my neighborhood, then to an empty parking lot to practice my turns, then to the curvy roads of China Camp. I was so scared. I thought I was going to drive us off the cliff and we'd die. Obviously, I didnt (duh). Haha.
It went pretty well, considering it was my first..but my legs are really sore. It was alot of driving - two hours. Okay, so maybe thats not alot, but I was extremely nervous and tense so that's probably why..
The driving intructor had his own set of pedals, so I wasn't really sure how much he was driving and how much I did. But, I was the one who steered. so yay. Anyway, I'll keep on practicing. Wish me luck, I hope I don't die. XOXO

-- Listening to : King of Anything - Sara Bareilles

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