Monday, August 30, 2010

these are a few of my favorite things

Seeing as the school year has started and the usual procrastionation routine has begun, I've decided to introduce a concept I've been toying with for a few own version of a "filler blog"

Without further ado, here are  a few of my favorite things:

- Summer
- Quotes you live by
- One Tree Hill (some pretty great quotes from this show ^^^)
- Days when you feel unexpectedly beautiful- from the inside and out
- Hanging out with my best gal friends
- Root beer and orange soda. Not together, although I have not yet tried them together. I guess that'll be something to add on my "things to try" list.
- Glittery things
- Shimmery things
- Sitting rapped in blankets all snug with a cup of hot chocolate when its raining
- My dog
- The deep conversations before going to bed at sleepovers
- Sleepovers
- Days where the weather is just...comfortable. 
- Songs that relate exactly to the way you are feeling
- Getting into a really good book
- That feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction
- Socks
- Nailpolish
- Bath&Body Works
- Nivea chapstick
- Fall/Autumn - which every you prefer to call it. I use fall but autumn sounds nicer, hmmm maybe I'll start calling it autumn.
- Sleeping in and waking up whenever
- Smelling anything, and being reminded of something else
- Feeling warm and fuzzy inside

Stay tuned for part two- it's sure to come one of these days. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

driving, driving, driving

Two days ago, I had my first driving lesson. It was soo scary, but so exciting at the same time.
The driving instructor came to my house and then, off we went. It was surprising actually, he only took about 5 minutes to tell me where the gas/brake pedal was, how to use the lights, wind shield wipers ect, and then we started driving.
I thought it would take alot longer. We started around my neighborhood, then to an empty parking lot to practice my turns, then to the curvy roads of China Camp. I was so scared. I thought I was going to drive us off the cliff and we'd die. Obviously, I didnt (duh). Haha.
It went pretty well, considering it was my first..but my legs are really sore. It was alot of driving - two hours. Okay, so maybe thats not alot, but I was extremely nervous and tense so that's probably why..
The driving intructor had his own set of pedals, so I wasn't really sure how much he was driving and how much I did. But, I was the one who steered. so yay. Anyway, I'll keep on practicing. Wish me luck, I hope I don't die. XOXO

-- Listening to : King of Anything - Sara Bareilles

Thursday, August 19, 2010

blast from the past

Its crazy to think about how much has changed in the last few years.. I miss it. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

chapstick addiction

Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm a chapstick-oholic.

Its a little sad really. I can't remember a time when I didn't have a tube of chapstick in my pocket or in my bag.
One of the first things I do in the morning is to reach for my chapstick and one of the last things I do before going to bed. I've never actually counted the number of times I apply chapstick during the day, and frankly I don't want to know. Don't worry, my extensive research on chapstick has led me to believe that consuming ridiculous amounts of chapstick is not a health hazard... You know, just as long as your not chomping away at the stuff. (I think that would be considered consuming extremely ridiculous amounts of chapstick as opposed to just ridiculous amounts of chapstick.)
So you know what?  It is okay. There is no need to be ashamed, in fact, you should embrace it...okay, maybe not. I think I've gone a bit too far..
But to all the chapstick addicts in the world, I say: keep applying!

Friday, August 13, 2010

yay me

Hey! I got my permit! Yay! Even despite it being Friday the 13th, I passed with a 100%. Whoo!
Anyways, that pretty much it. Much love. xoxo

Thursday, August 12, 2010

testing testing...

Hello my lovely non-existent viewers!
Today I am taking my permit test! I'm a little late considering I'm already 16, but whatever. I know everyone passes their permit test, "its just about common sense!" but I'm super nervous! I've taken all 50 practice tests, provided by,  I'm sure I've like memorized all the questions by now (they were pretty much the same questions after test 5) so I think I'll pass. Probably.  Maybe.  Hopefully. Ahhhhhh!!!! I'll cross my fingers!  Wish me luck! xoxo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

post numero uno

Well, lookie here. Who got bored and decided to make a blog? Yep. You guessed right! ME.
So I'm not exactly sure what I should write about...hmm. Thats not good. Maybe I should have thought about this some more before creating a blog. Oh well. Too late.   
Okay. Well a little about me.  I'm a sixteen year old girl who looks wayyy younger than her age. But other than that, I'm relatively normal. Kinda. 
I mean, I'm small, but I think its just because I'm asian and I inherited the short gene. 
Ok, so I'm thinking about it and.. maybe I'm not normal. I'm sixteen and I've never had a boyfriend, never been kissed. I've pretty much missed out on all the typical teenage things like staying out late and partying. But, I guess its not that horrible, I mean, other than the fact that I've been deprived of all normal things teen-ish. But I'm comfortable. Okay, so maybe comfortable isn't exactly the right word. Well, it is, but that just makes it seem so lame and boring. I don't know, I'm happy, I'm content, I love the friends that I have and we always have lots fun (even if its a slap-happy kinda fun).
It's a small group of 5, the remainder of the original Miller Creek group of 13.
There's Jessie Lark, the girly-est of the group, and my best friend. Then there is; Malina Core, the girl who moved to the land of cow poo, Tinna Trin, the awkward clumsy girl, Hannah Jelman, the other awkward friend, and Kalvin Emaya, the closeted gay guy (or so we all think).
Anyway. Its currently the summer before my junior year of high school and I am still waiting for something exciting to happen. 
I live in Marnim, the richest county in California. Don't be fooled, were not all rolling around in stretch limos or anything . We're just the higher end of the middle class.
Marnim is the dullest place EVER. There is absolutely nothing to do, so the way most kids make up for lack of excitement, is by going into the Tarna Lunda hills to get high.
My friends and I aren't like that. We are above the influence. But that also means we are bored out of our minds most of the time. None of us can drive yet, so we cant go to the city or anywhere like that. So we just hang out anywhere walkable or bus-able. Mainly walkable places. That includes the Southgate "Mall", (which is hardly a mall at all, unless you count 5 shops), Safeway, and Rite Aid. 
Well, that's all for now.
Keep reading, something exciting is bound to happen eventually. XOXO