Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have played so many games today, its kinda sad. But its so much fun, mostly because of the competitiveness of I am now a level 11 professional in the 6 player tetris race thing.
I am going to go play another game. Making my way towards level 12!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


- The lists are back! I will just start listing random things and hope that the outcome will be at least, an interesting post.
- I've starting using capitalization outside of the blogging world. I used to hate capitals. I just wouldn't use them. Notes, homework, hand written english assignments - I just leave them out. I'm not really sure why, maybe I just thought they were ugly and stopped using them 'till it became a habit. But I now use them, even when typing messages to friends. And I like them.
- I've decided that I'm going clean and reorganize my room tomorrow. I've got a whole week to kill, and nothing to do. I may rearrange my book shelf by author instead of title, we'll see if I feel like it tomorrow.
- I have sooooo much extra credit to do for math. Its a good thing. Just in case I fail a test or two. And I have no doubt that I will. Extra padding for my grade.
- Woah. So I started this post at 9:44...and its is now 10:36. I got bored because I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I opened a new tab, went on facebook and read other people's blogs for inspiration.
- Any inspiration? NO.
- But my head is aching because I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head. My hair stays in almost the exact same position ..always. But I decided I wanted my hair in a bun and put it up in one, but it was on the upper midsection of my head so it weighed it down. So I put it up on the top of my head - which would change the direction the roots of my hair would point and my scalp is just not used to that so it kind of aches now. Is that weird? Does anyone else's head feel like that?
- Painted my nails with that rosy-gold color. This might be my new go-to color.
- That is it. XOXO

Saturday, February 19, 2011

dreaming old dreams

Drops of Jupiter on repeat, looking through old pictures/messages and reminiscing… yeah that kind of night.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I've watched alot of TV this week. Procrastinating and just...not doing my homework and saving it for a free period.
So, because I'm completely out of things to say, I'd like to comment on the shows I've watched this week.

Glee - After watching the recent episode with all the Justin Bieber songs in it , my hatred for him is slowly dying. Plus, Sam is mad cute and just rocked the songs. 

Pretty Little Liars - So dramatic, so suspenseful. I love it!

Gossip Girl - Omg! Dan and Blair! So so soooooo cute! Ahhh! <3 <3 <3

One Tree Hill - The usual, but still really really good.

Genuine Ken - David went home last week. And Derek this week. Chris is the only hope now! If he doesn't win, I'll implode.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Homework. Study. Clean. Play with my dog. Organize my backpack. Read. Shower. Search the web for things to add to my bucket list.

I really need to get my priorities straightened out.

crazy weather

Mr. Weatherman just cannot make up his mind today. Sun, sprinkles, pouring, hail - All in the course of an hour. Crazy stuff going on here in Marnim.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

out of things to say

What do I blog about guys? Really. Nothing is going on in my life. Nothing exciting or worth mentioning anyway. So, what do I blog about?
There is only so much rambling I can do Sooner or later I will run out of things to say. And of course, I have.
I'm bored. My life is boring. I'm boring. Blahhh.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

people are annoying

So, I'm trying to do my homework. Only these kids are in my room. My parents are having a little potluck party and the kids are in my room. Get Smart is currently on, I tried to keep them entertained. Not exactly working but better than it would be without it right? Yep. Anyway, They're loud, and annoying and just.. won't leave me alone.
Okay, guess I'll keep trying to do my homework while there not talking to me..


Sunday, February 6, 2011


I'm sitting here, trying to do my math homework, and I just don't know how to do it. I was so on top of it and now I have absolutely no idea with I'm doing. I have a test soon. Oh no! :(

new years!

I was at my church's new years day celebration today. I sat in a room with all my church buddies and ate asian food. There was this red velvet cake...Mmmmm. That was so soo soooo good.
We got bored pretty quickly after eating so we set off and explored the school (its a mission that is also a part of a school..). It was relatively exciting, but not because we were inside a school, but mostly because of the thrill of being there when we weren't supposed to be. The lion dances started a little after we came out of the school so I ran and hid behind a fence claiming that the banging hurt my ear, but if you read my last post you'll know that the actually reason was me being scared of the lion things even though I am fully aware that they are not real and that there are people hiding underneath the costume.Why they freak me out so much? I may never know.

Right now, I am currently just sitting here listening to the TV in my dad's room playing asian music, and my dog whining for attention. I should probably go play with him, hes been alone all day.

Toodaloo :) XOXO

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new years

Chinese new year is only a few hours away. I'm Vietnamese but Chinese New Year seems to be the popular term. Anways, happy new year to all. May this year bring more joy then the last.

Ahhh! I hear my dad in the other room watching a lion dance on TV.
Confession: Those things still scare me. I am aware that its just people under a colorful lion suit and its obvious when you can see their feet from under the cloth but it freaks me out. We celebrate the new year at my church in a gym and every year when the lion dance begins, I hide behind the food table and pretend I'm helping my mom and the other church ladies in charge of food. The lions walk/dance around and stick its head in people's faces so if I'm behind they table I know they can't get me. I know, I know, its irrational but those things freak me out. I can still hear the drumming and banging. Ahhhhhh!


BTW- Happy Groundhog day! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


BLURB. Its a strange word.
..Yeah, I've got nothing else to comment on about that. Just sounds funny.

Anyway. I'm procrastinating (since when am I not?) and I checked my grades online and guess what??? A- on math test! Yes! I am so on it this semester. If only a little of that happened last semester. Oh well. I just wanted to share that with you all. It makes me super happy.

 That was kinda it. I'm having a clementine and am about to start my homework. Seeing my grades made me want to try harder, it was encouraging. SO, I'm going to do that now!