Sunday, September 26, 2010

whats shaped like a triangle, has a yellow top, orange middle and white tip?

Love it. I just got back from Safeway and just opened a bag of yummy candy corn. I've been craving this stuff for a few days after it came up in conversation during history class. I've had quite a few pieces and it's making me feel kinda sick but I can't help reaching for more.
I mean, it's right in front of me, whats am I supposed to do? I can't just look at it and NOT eat it!
I know, I've got a bit of a problem. Thank god, I have a super speedy metabolism or I'd be fat.
:) <3

Listening to: Dynamite - Taio Cruz

Monday, September 20, 2010

who's a scaredy cat?

Me. I cannot handle the horror movie commercials. They scare me.

I was in the middle of the new episode of Gossip Girl and had to turn off the TV. Usually, I just turn the sound on mute and do something else till the show comes back on but there just were wayyyy to many horror movie commercials on tonight.
I know, I'm a big baby. Its okay, I don't really mind. I like going to bed without replaying the commercials in my head. Which I will do if I see them.
Scary movies stick with me for a really long time. And so do scary movie commercials.
It's okay though, I can always watch the episode online tomorrow. Its definitely better than hiding under my covers tonight. Thank god the world has websites like Hulu and Fancast. I'd be lost without them. Haha.

-- Listening to : I'll be - Edwin McCain

Sunday, September 12, 2010

internet = evil

Oh. My. God.
I've been TRYING to do my homework all day. ALL DAY. But because of this strangely addicting world of technology, I can't. I couldn't even count the times I have clicked in and out of Facebook in the last hour. Really, its pathetic. Whats worse, is that I'm not even aware I'm doing it. I vowed to not go on Facebook for a week, (after like...7 o'clock?) Within the next 5 minutes, I clicked back on the page and started scrolling down the newsfeed without even realizing that two minutes ago, I promised myself I wouldn't.  And even now, I'm supposed to be finishing up my lab book for AP Environmental Science, but I'm blogging about not doing my homework instead. I have to finish my lab book, and get started on my math homework, book work for history and finish an english essay. But what am I doing? Blogging.
Isn't that absolutely insane? It is, isn't it. There must be something wrong with me. I HAVE TO DO MY HOMEWORK. I have SO much to do. Like SOOO much.
What am I still doing blogging about it? AHHHHH.
Ok, You know what? I can do it. I can do it. I am going to do my homework. Right now. now. now. OK. NOW.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Oh no, You heard right. Braces.
Three weeks from now I will have a mouth full of metal. Or ceramic. Depending on which one I get. I much rather prefer the ceramic one, I mean, I know you can see it but less than metal braces. A little is better than none at all right? I'm not sure.
I was so hopeful last week. I knew I was going to get braces eventually, But I assumed that I'd be getting invisialign. So really, it didn't matter that I was getting them because you cant see it. But after they looked at the pictures, xrays and the mold they made of my teeth, they told me that I was not a "canidate" for invisalign becuase of the wierd tooth sticking out of my gums.
Anyways. I have to get braces. I'm in high school now. Why did my parents wait till' now to get me braces. Everyone else did in middle school. Boo. I guess it could be worse. Like going into college with braces. I'll get them off at the end of senior year so I wont have then in college. Thank god.
Until next time. XOXO

-- Listening to: Teenage Dream - Katy Perry