Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i'm supposed to be studying..

and I will.

But I want to watch The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, The Time Traveler's Wife, or The Titanic sooo badly. And I'm not going to lie, I did just check my DVD shelf to see if any of those movies was under an hour but they weren't.

I'm going on a fieldtrip tomorrow - this Bioneers Conference thing, so I have a lot work to do today. I planned on having the weekend to finish all my lab and test corrections for AP Biology, but my teacher said that I had to take the test tomorrow, no exceptions. So, yay to a night of studying and getting to school at 7:10 to take a test. Then, off to the Bioneers thing where I will be untill 8:00 pm. Great.

In spite of all I have to do tonight, I am so tempted to just watch The Notebook right now. So tempted.

Monday, October 10, 2011

the weather is getting to me..

I basically spent the whole entire day in my bed watching romantic movies, reading Glamour (both in magazine and internet form), and listening to Taylor Swift songs.

I don't know what it is about this cold weather that makes we want to mope and wallow so badly, but it does.
It also doesn't help that theres this boy I've got my eyes on at school, but I almost positive nothing is going to happen. I won't bore you guys with the details because the whole things pretty lame. And trying to condense everything into words would just make me feel even lamer. So I won't.

I'm still here in my bed, dousing myself in some seriously needed Taylor Swift therapy. Currently on repeat: Last Kiss.

Monday, October 3, 2011

monday morning, rain is falling

Finally; after months and months of warm California weather, its finally cold.

And, its officially fall - my favorite season. Time to bring out the jackets, boots, scarves, and fall nail polish. Love love love.
Now, its obvious that I like the grey, cold, rainy weather, but for the sake of rambling and ranting, here are a few pros and cons of this weather. Ready?
  • It means that life is progressing, going from one season to the next. A.k.a I’m getting closer and closer to graduating by the minute.
  • Fall fashion. Again, love love love.
  • Watching movies and TV is so much more fun. Granted, I always love watching Tv, but something about being warm and cozy make it a 100 times better.
  • School isn’t an oven anymore
  • Seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Oh god, the White Peppermint Mocha. Best thing ever.
  • Getting up in the morning is exponentially more difficult. Its darker in the morning now and my bed is sooooo warm and comfortable. Ugh.
  • School is no longer a new thing, it’s very repetitive, infuriating, time consuming, horrible, etc. etc. etc.
  • The weather makes me incredibly nostalgic and helpless. ( I warn you now- prepare yourselves for lots of melodramatic/hormonal/pedantic posts from me in the next few months)
  • This time, along with the months of spring (march-april) I find myself with a particularly large amount of homework, also known and what I like to call one of the “molasses” periods of school, where it seems endless and December feels like years away, and June feels like lifetimes.
Hey, notice how the Cons are longer than the Pros? Yeah, I'm exceptionally better at complaining than I am at anything else. Whats new?

Today's random make me REALLY happy moment: A guy in my English class told me I was "perfect the way I am". So sweet <3