Sunday, September 25, 2011

been awhile..

Oh dear. Its September 25st and I've only posted once this month. I've seriously been slacking.

I'm just here in my bedroom. Doing/pretending/trying/not-really-at-all doing  my homework. And listening to stuff on Pandora. A bunch of boring stuff.

Yeah. Anywhoooo..

Here's the dealio. (I'm aware that that might sound super obnoxious, but I can't/don't want to rephrase it, so just bear with me)(Now this isn't really relevant because I've deleted my dealio. I started this post like a week ago ranting about annoying people and I never had time to finish it. I was trying to complain without being too annoyingly whiny and that didn't really work so I saved it so I could revise it later. But then after a week I didn't really feel like revising because the situation had pasted, and the words weren't really flowing. But now I like the "Heres the dealio" thing and I don't want to delete it. So yeah. Its staying. And there is no dealio.)

Thats it.