Monday, June 18, 2012


I've made a tumblr! And no, I didn't abandon this blog for that one, my tumblr is just for a bunch of random things (reblogs, rants, etc.). I probably won't ever get as personal there as I did here (..I was personal right? I didn't just blog in my head? ..Unsure), I just think it's fun.
So you want, go follow me on :

Monday, January 16, 2012

talking to me..

Do you guys talk to yourself? Because I do. Alot. And sometimes it's even a full out standing in front of the mirror having a partially one sided conversation with my thoughts occasionally responding to the audible me. Most of the times it's in my head though.
And what's weirder is that I can sit at my desk talking to myself in my makeup mirror for like twenty minutes but when I'm trying to have a conversation with the cute boy in my biology class, I can't think of anything to say.
I guess it's because I hate small talk. It's so hard for me. Especially if the other person isn't a great small talker either. Because then your both sitting and struggling to find words. With myself, there's no need to bring up anything relevant. I can say anything and everything that comes to mind.
With other people, especially people in class you're just aquentences with it's harder. Like, what if I don't want to talk about the homework, the upcoming test, or how insane the teacher is? What then?
Seriously, I suck at small talking. The last non school related conversation had with the before mentioned cute boy was about...yogurt? Yeah. Yogurt.
Why am I so socially awkward?
You know those people that are just like awesome conversationalists? I mean, it doesn't even have to be an actual conversation but there are some people that you immediately connect with because they said something funny or witty, like the funny cashier who commented on your candy corn purchase or that guy who walked up to you and just launched into a random awkward story. Those people who are so sure of them selves and actually know what they want to say. I want to be like them. I just wish I knew how.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ewww, finals week

I know I haven't actually blogged in a while. Cute quotes and two sentence posts don't count.
I guess I'm just not as good at rambling as I was when I first started blogging. ..Or I've just run out of ramble material. Either way, I've been pretty absent.

Its FINALS week. Only two more days left. I'm so drained from late night cramming and taking tests that are wayyy longer than my attention span. I'm exhausted.
Plus, I have a cold. It occured to me (while I was taking my spanish final. ha.) that I always get sick around finals week first semester. I know I was sick for my sophomore, junior, and now, senior year. I'm not sure about freshman year. I can't remember if I was or not, but it's likely. Especially because it's turned into a bit of a tradition.
An awkward one, but a tradition nonetheless. Sniffing and trying to quietly blow your nose while people are silently taking their tests is such an uncomfortable thing. Too bad I can't avoid it.

Tomorrow I have my AP Biology and Art finals.
I'm trying to study for Bio, which means that I basically have to learn a semester's worth of knowledge in a few hours. It's hard. Most of the test focuses on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. My brain doesn't retain that kind of information. Chemical formulas, ATP, NADH, H+, and Aceytl CoA? Nope. I can do population ecology and enzymatic reactions because it's logical. Memorizing a bunch of steps and atoms that I don't understand? It's gonna be a challenge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"I think you could fall in love with anyone if you saw the parts of them that no one else gets to see. Like if you followed them around invisibly for a day and you saw them crying in their bed at night or singing to themselves as they make a sandwich or even just walking along the street and even if they were really weird and had no friends at school, I think after seeing them at their most vulnerable you wouldn’t be able to help falling in love with them. ”

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i'm supposed to be studying..

and I will.

But I want to watch The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, The Time Traveler's Wife, or The Titanic sooo badly. And I'm not going to lie, I did just check my DVD shelf to see if any of those movies was under an hour but they weren't.

I'm going on a fieldtrip tomorrow - this Bioneers Conference thing, so I have a lot work to do today. I planned on having the weekend to finish all my lab and test corrections for AP Biology, but my teacher said that I had to take the test tomorrow, no exceptions. So, yay to a night of studying and getting to school at 7:10 to take a test. Then, off to the Bioneers thing where I will be untill 8:00 pm. Great.

In spite of all I have to do tonight, I am so tempted to just watch The Notebook right now. So tempted.